Multiplication is one of the main mathematical operations which is taught to students at an early age. To Simplify the concept the students were given hands-on experience and learned that multiplication is repetitive addition. Our students of Grade 1 learned and practiced the multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10. The objective of learning Multiplication tables is to enable us to learn fundamental knowledge concerning numbers systems, measurements, geometric figures, and the meanings represented in the figures. The students were involved in activities like introducing equal groups, learning equal groups as the foundation for multiplication, and the most natural way students begin interacting multiplication, playing games, building arrays and area models, Skip Counting, etc. They not only help in increasing the mental math skills of a child but also helps students understand different concepts better thus strengthening their knowledge of the subject. To add to this, they also play a vital role in boosting a child's confidence in their skills which will therefore help them later in the near future.