Patterns are an intrinsic part of our world which we find everywhere and all around us in nature, in art, in math, in music, etc. In mathematics, patterns are a set of numbers or objects arranged in a sequence such that they are related to each other in a specific rule. Learning to recognize, extend, identify and create designs is an essential skill that helps lay the foundation of advanced math skills and develops reasoning skills. Young Presidians of Grade-2 conducted activities related to patterns and gained hands-on experience with available concrete material at home. They learned the types of Patterns namely growing patterns, repetitive patterns, and shrinking patterns. They showcased their learning on objects such as playing cards, vegetables, fruits, cutlery, blocks, confectionery items, rangoli designs, leaves, candles, diyas, etc. By arranging these objects on their own they learned the vocabulary of names of patterns curiously and effortlessly. Students were actively involved with full enthusiasm and easily related the concept in the play-way method through immediate surroundings.